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XBOX 360 Unresponsive Controller Game Breaking Bug



I've been having a lot of fun playing the game, but there is a really annoying (game breaking) bug that is preventing me from progressing. I'll play for a while and everything is fine. Then all of the sudden out of nowhere the controller will become unresponsive to the game. I know it's not my controllers because I've used two different ones with the same effect, and when I press the 'Xbox button' it is responsive and takes me to the system in game menu. The bug happens too frequently to be able to enjoy the game that way, especially when I cant save it before restarting. Please advise on if this is being worked on?

21 answers to this question

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Same problem with Xbox360


Controller disconnects every time an enemy attacks. This issue started with the first enemy attack and continues with every enemy attack.

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Mine happens in and out of battle. There doesn't seem to be anything triggering it for me, it'll just happen. So frustrating because I can't go 30 minutes playing the game without it happening!

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After trying to play the game numerous times throughout the day I noticed the controller becomes unresponsive when I interact with things. I'll attack a trash can and then when I move to pick up whatever came out i'll just keep moving in that direction. The only way to fix it is to press the xbox button, move through the menu options, then press the xbox button again. But then the same thing will just happen again. In combat it just wont register any of my controller movements. I can't cycle through the attack/items options. The menu/inventory screen isn't giving me any of these issues, I can equip and change weapons and armor fine, just in the open world and combat is where I'm having the issues. Before I could play about 30 minutes before any of this would happen, but now it seems I can't go 10 minutes without it happening. What the eff man, I paid $60 for this?

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So I'm curious now if anyone is here to help, or if I'm just complaining to myself. I want to play the game but I can't because of this stupid bug! 

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I'm playing off the disk. I did install it to the system via the disk though, is there a known issue with doing that? I'll uninstall it though and see if that helps any.

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  On 3/10/2014 at 9:02 PM, PowdrdMilkMan said:

I'm playing off the disk. I did install it to the system via the disk though, is there a known issue with doing that? I'll uninstall it though and see if that helps any.


It is not a known issue, but we have had a few issues that were cleared up by deleting and reinstalling. I'm guessing on occasion there are installation issues due to harddrive fragmentation / corruption / available free space on drive / etc..  


Let me know if this helps!


Ex-Obsidian Senior Programmer

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I uninstalled the game on my Xbox 360, then started playing it for about 20 minutes and it happened again. Any other ideas?

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Are you running with the day 1 patch? (I don't know if they've added another one yet for 360. I haven't had mine hooked up to the net since last Thursday so I couldn't tell you if it is a problem with a new patch.) If you haven't hooked it up yet, it could try the patch.


Also, which model of 360 are you using? Who knows if something as strange as that could be part of the problem. i.e. something strange like it's happening with the original models vs the S and E models

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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I'm sorry man, I don't know what to say. That's the same as my setup. I installed the game first on my HD, ran it and got the day 1 patch and never really had any problems with the game.


I don't know if this might apply to you, but I've got a couple of controllers that sometimes would lose their connection with the battery pack, so I would have to hold down the pack and turn my controller back on. I'm sure it's probably from either my kids or I dropping them. As a fix, I've put some velcro on them to keep them held down at all times.


Now that I think about it, a few times it acted like my control stick was not in a neutral position when it was. I would just move my stick in that direction and then release it and it would revert back to the neutral spot.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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As far as I can tell my controller isn't the issue because I can play any other game with them and there isn't an issue. It only acts up when I play Stick of Truth. I've even tried connecting the wireless controller(s) with the USB connection on the system and the same thing happens. I was just hoping to get a little more feedback from the developers about this, seeing as it is their technical support forum and all. I'm getting to the point where I just want a refund, might need to contact Ubisoft to see if they can help me out with that because Gamestop wont take back an open new game 2 weeks later.

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Still no feedback from any of the developers? Well, I give up then. Guess I'll never buy a game developed by Obsidian again.

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Can you give me the model / region of your Xbox? Are you using a stock Microsoft wireless controller? Is your Xbox up to date with the latest patches / no custom firmware?


Just so you know, this forum is intended for costumer / customer support, and is not intended for direct developer support. I am doing what I can to help everyone out on my own time, but I will be out of the office / MIA from forums for the next few days.


We are actively looking into all issues that we can from here, but requests for official support should be filed at http://support.ubi.com. 


Ex-Obsidian Senior Programmer

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Xbox is slim / UK
Tried using three different stock controllers (two wireless)

Xbox is completely up-to-date with absolutely no custom firmware


I've played the game for half an hour and then this game destroying bug rears its head. Dissapointed is an understatement, which surprises even me. Especially since going into this I already new I was in for a rough ride. After spending hours trawling for any kind of information in regards to this, and finding out that its been at least this long without being addressed, I guess im left with no choice other than to return it as soon as it can.

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Yeah man, I gave up and sold the game. I really enjoyed the small amount of the game I was able to play, but the unresponsive controller is just way to infuriating to deal with. Figured I'll wait and pick it up during a Steam Sale and try it on PC.

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I am having this issue as well. Mine is not all encompassing as the original poster's problem seemed. I can interact with the game world just fine. mine only happens during battle scenes. I can disconnect my controller and it will work for one attack or action, and then reverts to being unresponsive. I am using a stock controller, no custom firmware, and am fully updated. I am currently re-installing and going to try a fresh game in case it's something to do with save corruption. unplayable at the moment tho, which is hugely disappointing. If anyone has any further suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I'll let you know if re-install and/or a fresh game fixed the issue for me.  

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oh, also of note: my controller doesn't disconnect, just becomes unresponsive. I can hit the xbox button and go to the menu etc, but nothing else. And the controller is fine in every other game I have, so I know it's not a controller issue.  

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Well, tried a fresh install and game and I can't even make it the keep and combat. Now it is unresponsive in the sub menu when Butter's becomes your friend. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really want to play the game, but may have to sell this and wait for it to go on sale on steam if a fix doesn't happen.  

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