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A Message of Gratitude

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Dear Obsidian Developers,

When I was a teenager or even earlier on I used to play games some of you made, like the Fallout, Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series or Planescape Torment. I enjoyed them a lot and they have influenced my life and thinking in a certain manner. In the Fallout series, for example, I was captivated by the dystopian environment and that got me thinking. The idea of a 'dystopian future environment' stayed with me and, about a decade afterwards, I made a more thorough research on the subject and got a paper entitled Inheritance after Apocalypse: the Dystopian Environment published online. Even though the paper itself is not about the games you made or the world they pictured but Cormac McCarthy's The Road, it also touches on the subject of the fall of the American Dream and inheritance in the case of cataclysm which I believe the notion of 'wasteland' pictures so well.

The abstract can be founde here: http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/article/view/2986
and the full paper here: http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/article/view/2986/3164

When I debated an initial version of the paper in my hometown of Timisoara, Romania, and used a PowerPoint presentation to better transmit my ideas, I also showed the audience the two introductory cinematics from Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, the first before the presentation to better bring them into a "dystopian mood" and the second afterwards in order to broaden the subject, and it worked like a charm.

I hope that you will see my message and that your future games will prove to be inspirational for me again and for generations to come. I wish you luck and success with Project Eternity.

All the best,
Serban Dan Blidariu

P.S. A similar message of gratitude was sent to inXile, for some of them too had brought their contribution to the games that partially shaped my adolescence. 

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