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all fights once initiated tend to end up with a deadly finish, how about for once we could bully or convice some of the npcs to reach a different solution.


say we could ask them to stop fighting for a sum, or they could offer half their money to run, we could give them a chance at life in exchange for being recruited to work for us.


this could be expanded upon ravel(was it?) in nwn2 that after being an enemy ended up in the stronghold.


we could get smaller gangs or non essential bosses to join and repent / or should we be evil to submit and work for us.


this could provide for a lucrative business and also for a money sink eqipping and training them.


nonlethal end to fights could bring a return of the gang boss with   more troops later to fight us, or a return with help agianst somebody else. also it would provide say with experience for peacefull solution to an engagement. bosses could surrender at 25% of hp or of troops.


depending whether we can have our own guild or small army in the stronghold, we could get these guys to join and function upon our class and alignment: fighter good / paladins, fighter neutral bodyguards, fighter evil / mercenaries. based on class we could also say recruit with a fighter : fighters easy, thieves medium, mages hard - based on charisma or strength.

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