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Posted (edited)

Ahoy da mates.


I like to warn you first about my bad english, but I hope you will understand my suggestion.




I remember when my friends and me played about 15 years ago Baldurs Gate together, and we found on the way some "not identified" ring or something.

One of my friends couldt wait till we got back to town to identifie this ring, so he put it direktly on.

When we came back to town to identifie this ring, we found out that this ring had an special effect on - it changed your gender from male to female within 1 week and couldt be put off.

We laughed hard, and it was one of this memorys why i like Baldurs Gate so much back in the days.



My suggestion is to put such funny items also in this game.

Items wich dont only gives you some extra STR, DEX...but also have some nice, usefull, funny effects on it, wich might change your whole playstyle.



I dont know, mabye something like a "Sword of the Bear" wich is very powerfull, but when you fight vs Bears with this Sword, the Charkter who holding it cant fight.


Or "Staff of the noobish Wizard" - when you use the Effect of this Staff it can either help you or kill you. It could spawn some big Demon who helps you or put one random hero of you in his mouth and hold it ther for some time. Or you heal your whole group, or summon just some confetti with some noise.



Well my english isnt the best so I better stop now, but I hope you understand my suggestion.



Thanks for reading and greetings from Germany

Edited by Domo
Posted (edited)

Items with side effects, curses and such you mean? They are okay, I enjoy such items if done well. When using has random chance to do something funny to the character or monster like might turn them into sheep/chicken or conjure another monster which turns on you, something bad etc like effect morality, motivations or emotions of companions, their courage, lust, greed or something.

Edited by Dragoonlordz

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