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On sequels and the plotting thereof

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Hmm, well in tv-series often they get the information that their season isn't going to be renewed before they are cancelled. So they can prepare an ending for the story that does not leave a lot of loose storylines or cliffhangers for the fans and that is nice. In games you will decide after the game is finished (number of sales) if there will be a next game, so many games make some sort of cliffhanger and then may never get a follow-up game while others make a real ending and then have trouble making a sequel that can pick up somewhere without it sounding like bad writing (save the world again! Come on that is not so hard, you did it once already, but you will still start by slaying rats now).

I like games to have a real ending. They can have some things that aren't explained or where you do not know where it is going though, but not so much in the main plot. Taking over the protagonist to a sequel usually just ends up being stupid in the second game, you "regress" with all your powers or everyone else gets a lot mightier because after defeating the mightiest creatures in part 1 now have trouble killing some random pirate or wolf.


But well it are cliffhangers that may cause the adventure dreamfall to have a sequel. So maybe cliffhangers are a good thing for writers to secure their future :p


Edited by Rink
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