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Grimoire Speculation and Ideas

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The swapping refers to the fact that you can only use one at a time, if you want to use another you have to swap that one out to activate another, but you probably have as many as you want, just only one activate at a time.

Regarding spell learning, I would like to fail learning spells. Frustrating, love/hate type of thing :p

F5+F9, man.


That's how I played the first time, to be honest. That's also one of the reasons why I never finished the game the first couple of times. When I started to play the game properly (e.g., as it was designed) I began enjoying the game much more. Heck I even enjoyed (although frustrated about it) loosing some spells because I failed to learn them.


What about learning a portion of the spells power instead? Instead of failing there's a chance you may only learn 50% of the spells power? (And to redeem it, this grows with levels/progression?).


In example:

You fail to learn the full power of the spell, and it's down at 50% strength. Several levels later, however, it is 100%.

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Don't really want to make a new topic about this, got curious and inspired of some more thoughts about the Grimoire by the Melee Magic thread.


I'm asking the questions to you but I'm answering them myself so you can see where I'm at right now, thoughts?:



1. Do only Wizards use it?

Just some own imagination, Wizards are most prominent with Grimoires, whilst Paladin and Priests use Scriptures. But! A Fallen Paladin or a Fallen Priest could use a Grimoire. Anyone with a good name for a corrupted scripture type thing? "The False Word" is all I can think of. The real question here is... could Monks use it? Fighters? Could this be a way to Multi-Class?


2. Dagger+Tome = Blood Magic?

Yes! This would be badass and seem logical.


3. Wand as a quickslot item or an equippable weapon?

I'd personally like to see it as an equippable weapon (possibly carrying 2, dual-wandslinging). Arcane.


4. Sword and Grimoire?

Also Blood Magic, put perhaps more offensive. Elemental magic at the cost of blood? Also Arcane Magic, shoot Magic Missiles with a sword.


5. Is the Grimoire off-hand or its own slot?

I'm undecided, if it's own slot it could be easier for another Class to use it (Depending on how the Class System works). But I feel it would hold more tactical value if it is an off-hand item (like a shield).



1. As a Magic tool, Druids would prefer it more than Wizards?

I say yes, personally. A Wizard with a Staff could be an excellent Elementalist, whilst a Druid is more of a Naturalist, both being Elemental magic but the Druid would use it differently.


2. Is the Staff 2-Handed?

Gandalf uses a Staff and Sword, does this get complicated or could it be a possibility? Magic could get weaker if you use a sword, a dagger (for Blood Magic+Staff) heck even Grimoire, the potential power of the spells gets weaker by having an off-hand item with a Staff. Low to Mid-Range Magic would be the strongest with a Staff, but with a Grimoire you would be able to cast the highest level spells (the most ritualistic ones).


3. Monks channel the Staff differently?

Yes. If the Staff is a tool to use Elemental magic, could the Monk hit the earth (instead of an enemy) and bend the Earth, or cast a strong wind when slashing. Perhaps breathe fire with a flask of oil or hard liquor. Monks could use the elemental aspects of the staff physically, up close and personal. Also being able to use their bodies in this way, differently (unarmed combat).


EDIT: Toph


Edited by Osvir
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