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Error when pledging money for Project Eternity(No where else to put this)

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I am aware that this isn't the proper place to ask for help on a problem related to funding the kickstarter, but there really isn't any other place.


Any kind of contact info page for amazon payments, kickstarter, and obsidian entertainment are non-existent or buried somewhere. Plus my Google Fu on this issue is failing me completely.


I am signed into kickstarter, I input that I want to pledge $25 for Project Eternity and select the $25 reward, then I get to the 'proceed to amazon payments page' I go to proceed and I get the following 'caller input exception: invalid signature' error:




Clicking the continue button brings me to: https://payments.amazon.com&tag=yjtv-20/, but this just gives me a standard 'server not found' error, meaning the page dosen't exist.


Any insight on what is going on and how I can fix it would be much appreciated.

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This looks like the signature assigned by kickstarter is invalid to authenticate/autorize your request. You should check the setting of your pc clock and clean all cookies from amazon and kickstarter and try again. You may want to try to reach amazon payments manually first: https://payments.amazon.com/


Also the link you posted is clearly wrong, as there is a missing slash after amazon.com. Is this truly the link you've been taken to by hitting the Continue button or just a typo?



Edit: Fixed typos

Edited by Raedwulf
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Thanks for the advice everyone. I had already tried clearing any and all cookies related to kickstarter, amazon, and amazon payments.


I was using firefox and switched to my backup browser(chrome) to try it and it worked. Maybe there was some cookie that a search for 'amazon' and 'kickstarter' wasn't bringing up, or maybe firefox was being goofy. Either way it worked.

Edited by yroc1235
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