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Major Bug - NPC disabled

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After finishing Nar Shaddaa, I found out the Handmaiden is missing from the Ebon Hawk, and in the party selection screen her portrait is blank. Only thing visible is the phrase "I'm broken, so very very broken".

So, after some detective work, I figured out the following:


1) The bug occured during the warehouse quest, after I defeated that utility droid - in order to open the inner door.

2) The source of the bug is probably not in "PARTYTABLE.res" or "GLOBALVARIABLES.res"

3) The bug is represented in the saved data as "Bad StrRef" in the NPC listm while viewing the latest save file using KSE 3.3.3.


I tried rebuilding the NPC via KSE (i.e manually setting the name/appearance/HP/Attributes...), but when I tried to save the changes, KSE returned an error:


"Error msg:Not an ARRAY reference at

kotor_savegame_editor3.3.3.pl line 1467"


followed by another msgbox, titled "Details of Error".


Now, i know what you think, just load the last un-buggy game. Well, the problem is, I have already finished Nar Shaddaa, while the last "good" save is at the warehouse.


So, to sum it up, the help I need, is instructions - how to remove the glithcy NPC ("Bad StrRef)") , and add the Handmaiden as a fresh NPC.


Thanks :)

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Bad StrRef=Bad String Reference


This essentially means that your save is corrupted (damaged 2da file and such)... I dont think there's anything you can do besides loading a previous uncorrupted save. You're saying you have a clean save at the warehouse? It could be much worse... The warehouse is not that far from the end of Nar Shaddaa...


From now on, save a lot, and each time in different slots to avoid this kind of inconvenience.

Edited by Togruta
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I don't think it's possible to fix this using the KSE. The game files themselves are likely to be corrupted.


And unless you know what you're doing, you could create other problems by trying to fix this one.


Why don't you just go back? As I said, it's not like you have to replay the whole game... It's only: warehouse> Jekk Jekk Tarr> Goto's yacht> chatting with/killing Mr. Moustache.

It can be done in a few hours...

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