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Black Screen After End of Telos

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I do have a save spot from right after HK-50 shot me down. I think it's rather annoying to go through the 5-10 minute dialogue again between Atris and myself.


Is this going to happen on every single planet I go to?


I've already had to deal with restarting when I first meat HK on Paragus.


Anyways, the problem is the following:


I tried to fight Handmaiden sisters and lost a few times, figuring I could save time I went to release Kreia and everyone from jail. Once I did this, they followed me when I re-challenged handmaiden sisters, I won this time. After the fight, they would not move or speak to me. I was still able to move around and everything appeared normal. I finished fighting handmaiden's sisters and speaking to handmaiden, then I boarded the Ebon Hawk.


I was able to talk to everyone in my party before fighting handmaiden, there were no issues with individual party members. Once I board the Ebon Hawk, cutscene: Ebon hawk leaves base, cutscene: handmaiden's sister talks to Atris, then new screen loads. After load, there is black screen. I try to move around, and don't hear footsteps, I am able to fully access the menu, add/remove people from my party (other than handmaiden), and even level up different characters.


Any idea on what is going on, I'm about to give up on playing this game..?

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