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What ATI Driver to not update past?

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I have an ATI Radeon 9550/X1050 series card and I've heard that later updates give K2 problems. My question is what driver update should I not update past? Also with the last installation of the ATI Suite, it installed something caled Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable. But there are two instances of this in the Add/Remove programs list and the other instance is 4MB in size and the other is 5MB in size. Which one should I remove?


Also if I were to change to a NVIDA card for K2 is thre some list of recommended NVIDA cards for K2? And does that list tell you also what drivers not to update past due to K2's issues with later driver updates? Thanks.

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Yes, 7.11 is the latest stable driver for both kotor games. You can use more up to date drivers however, as long as you place the 7.11 atioglxx.dll in the kotor1/2 folder. This way kotor will use the older opengl driver while everything else will use the newest.

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