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Persistent Spell can be taken on Non Spellcasting class


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While playing on TFR server, I was able to choose Persistent Spell feat on Shadowdancer level. Now, everytime I login the server is crashing. Is it possible to have the DMs modify the BIC file? or should I ask them to relevel? I guess on your end, you should prevent taking spellcasting feat on non-spellcasting class.

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Yes, Obsidian's NWN2 forums are hosted on the bioware website. Unfortunately, that means I can't whisk this topic to the right place; please go to the right forum at http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/ and post there.


Or, as it sounds like an issue on a specific server, it might be much more successful for you to find the forums of the server itself (I assume it's fan-made).

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