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Lauch Analysis

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Does anyone know how to find out how to get your launch Analysis. I have read some forum thread that to fix the "Please insert original CD/DVD into another drive". To fix this, you have to email Securerom, your "launch Analysis" and they will send you a new Laucher.exe. But i cant figure out how to get my launch analysis. I have Vista 32bit, and if you can help me this would be greatly appreciated.

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Does anyone know how to find out how to get your launch Analysis. I have read some forum thread that to fix the "Please insert original CD/DVD into another drive". To fix this, you have to email Securerom, your "launch Analysis" and they will send you a new Laucher.exe. But i cant figure out how to get my launch analysis. I have Vista 32bit, and if you can help me this would be greatly appreciated.



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See www.securom.com...


Click on "Support" on the top menu, and then on "Support Info" on the left hand side for instructions.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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