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Starting issues

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OK, to begin with I 'do' have Vista, and I am aware that is likely half the problem, but I doubt it.


I installed the game with no problems, and everything seemed fine. I failed the graphics card test, but I am pretty sure my video cards are up to date (I even ran a few updates to be sure) so I didn't think it would be a real problem, I updated the game as well, just in case. I started the game...


And it never loaded. It took me back to the desk top with that little message 'the operation stopped working, vista is checking for a solution' blah blah blah.


I tried putting it in compatibility mode, stuff like that (that usually fixes any 'vista is a bitch' problems quite nicely) and that didn't work.


But here is the weired part: Sometimes. It works. Every once in a while, it just...works. I can play the game fine. If I close it, it stops working again. I find this happens more often when I reboot my computer, but not always.


Anyone got any ideas?

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Try older display drivers.

I might, how would I do that?


But does this explain why it only works sometimes? I just rebooted my computer, and played for a bit about half an hour ago. After I stopped, I tried again and it didn't work. I tried rebooting again, and it still didn't work. See, even if I needed to do something weired to play it, I would prefer that to not knowing when I will work and when it will just stop.

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