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I get to the north pole with atris the first time and it has aton and k in a wierd place. when i click on atton i get a 1. (cheat console) ... and 2(cheat console) ... one saying to contiue on with talking to atris making me repeat what atris says and fighting over the decition of the jedi councel, then 2 says to continue talking to k but that does nothing and it wont let me leave the planet now

Please help i would prefer not to have to start over again. i have tryed backing up too and to no avail

thank you for any help you can give me!!


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This is the one where 'Cheat Node' appears, right? There used to be a fix for this on the Team Gizka website here, but they seem to have removed it as their mod release date approaches. I believe it's possible to avoid it by choosing certain dialogue options before and possibly after the error appears, so give that a try. Otherwise, does someone have the old fix for this?

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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Is that the one where you are doomed if you select an option that goes something along the lines of dropping your weapons immediately?


It is in the very first Q&A in the sticky thread in this forum section :wacko:


Edit: Oops, just noticed Steve's comment about the fix section being gone from Team Gizka. Well, time to prepare for some Kotor2 with the big mod hopefully :-

Edited by Gorth

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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