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Dead At POST


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I can't get past the POST screen it just stays there and does nothing plus my keyboard and mouse are dead. My keyboard port died earlier this week so I had been using a USB port for that. If I have dead connections on the motherboard, I'll have to replace that. That would not be good if I have to.


I don't know where I'll get a motherboard that supports AGP graphics cards and DDR memory. I can't get a recent motherboard because they have PCI-Express, which would require me to buy a new video card, and plus the newer boards have DDR2/DDR3 memory which would require me to buy new memory. I simply do not have the money for all of that. With the way my work is laying people off, I have to hold on to what money I have.

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Did you check out the components to make sure it's the mobo that's malfunctioning? (Try starting without PCI-Soundcard, replace Gfx, Ram, Proc...)

If it is the mainboard: Check out hardware-price-comparison sites to find a replacement. I can find MSI and ASRock boards being sold here for Athlon socket 939, agp, ddr ram, probably that's true for your area too.

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Maybe I'll just max out the credit card and build my next computer. I wanted to do this at a time when money wasn't a problem but trying to find a board that is near the specs of my current one is hard.

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

Baldur's Gate modding
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