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I have installed Sith Lords 2 and everytime I start the game my computer beeps like I have a major error whenever the load screen appears. It happens periodically during playing. Anybody else have this problem? I will give technical specs if needed but basically I have 1 gig of memory, a GeoForce 7950 AGP and a Pentium 2 processor...all of which exceeds current system specs.


I bought an XBOX 360 controller to play Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is there anyway to enable Joystick support in the game on a PC.

I have installed Sith Lords 2 and everytime I start the game my computer beeps like I have a major error whenever the load screen appears. It happens periodically during playing. Anybody else have this problem? I will give technical specs if needed but basically I have 1 gig of memory, a GeoForce 7950 AGP and a Pentium 2 processor...all of which exceeds current system specs.


I bought an XBOX 360 controller to play Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is there anyway to enable Joystick support in the game on a PC.


In order;


You should really list your system specs. Although they might be higher than those required for the game there could be some bit of hardware thats causing this problem-For Example K2 dislikes Redeon Cards regardless of how powerful the card is. One thing you might like to try is to turn any firewalls, anti-virus programs etc before playing KOTOR-ie make KOTOR the only major program the PC is running. This *might* sort the problem if one of these programs is conflicting with K2, or one of them is sending you a warning when you're loading from the HD. It will also make KOTOR run a little better anyway, since you'll have more memory to run the game.


No, you can't use joystick or a joypad to play KOTOR, the game doesn't support them.

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