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How to de-level my character?

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Hi, yep that's right I want to de-level my character, then give back exp/lvls to bring them back to the current level. What I want to do is make some different level up choices without replaying everything I've done up to this point.


So I know about addlevel and addexp cheat codes. However, I cannot seem to figure out how to remove levels or experience this way. In KoToR and in NWN I was able to use these codes to de-level my character. This was done by using a negative value for the code. So for example addexp -20000 would remove 20000 experience and consequently remove all the levels attained, the skills, feats, etc... I could then grant that same experience and be able to level up my character again, choosing different options.


Trying to use a negative value does not seem to be working however. So I'm wondering if there is another method I can use.


Please note, I did try a save game editor, but it did not have the intended effect I was looking for.


thanks for any assistance.

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Can only think of one way - create another game. Unless you had saved game before getting character to such high levels. Editors and cheats can raise character levels, but not likely for other way. With the kinrath spawn in cave on Dantooine and infinite hssiss spawn in Korriban's sith cave, it doesn't take long to train character up to level you want. One way of playing without cheats.

Edited by vaxen83

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I believe the KSE editor can delete/add new feats and changes to characters, or change the number value of your computer skill from 2 to 16, say, so you could try different things, but I don't know how well it works, never tried it. It will not give you points and such back, however - you just edit your skills. Thus you need to know the progression of them or errors might result - ie, to get master speed you have to give yourself the first two as well.

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Thanks for the replies, but...


Can only think of one way - create another game. Unless you had saved game before getting character to such high levels. Editors and cheats can raise character levels, but not likely for other way. With the kinrath spawn in cave on Dantooine and infinite hssiss spawn in Korriban's sith cave, it doesn't take long to train character up to level you want. One way of playing without cheats.

As stated in the OP, it is possible in KoToR I and in NWN. It's a handy way of changing your character when you want to try something different without having to redo several hours worth of play. It's not always worth it to start from scratch.



I believe the KSE editor can delete/add new feats and changes to characters, or change the number value of your computer skill from 2 to 16, say, so you could try different things, but I don't know how well it works, never tried it. It will not give you points and such back, however - you just edit your skills. Thus you need to know the progression of them or errors might result - ie, to get master speed you have to give yourself the first two as well.

As I stated in the OP I did try an editor (KSE in fact), but it did not have the intended results.


The goal here was to try playing a different type of character than I usually play. I was just trying to avoid replaying several hours just because I changed my mind about how I wanted to progress. Eventually I did just start a new game and am now back to where I originally left off in the story.

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