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I believe that there should be more of a realism to the game. If your character or a nonplayer character and gets to close to a cliff he, or she should fall off. Things like gravity I think are important...




I would like to see a first person and a third person view in one game.


Characters Physical prowess, and realism


I think that there should be a lot more moves that your characters can earn to make the fighting experience more realistic... Also the ability for all Jedi characters to have a force jump,and non Jedi to have a regular jump option.


Vehicles, and transport animals.


Greater control of the Ebon Hawk would have been great. Also control of Lanspeeders Sandcrawlers and animals like Dewbacks, and tauntauns.


I would also like to see more quests so that you can increase the degree of level ups with more experience...




Oh and Please get rid of the glitches....

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