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Graphics Issue

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Just reinstalled KotOR II, and I'm having this weird colored banding problem - rainbow-iridescent swathes of color cover doorwars and the occasional section of ceiling or floor on Peragus. I haven't gone further in the game, because this is too annoying. The coloration is predominantly green, but also ranges to purple and a little bit of red.


The only other time I've seen this was with Far Cry before it was patched to support the 6800, and as I recall Far Cry would sometimes show big black, empty squares as well, making me think this is a texture-reading issue or somesuch.


As far as I can remember, this is the same computer I've always played TSL on. I've never had this issue before.


I've tried a number of things, but I want to hear what ya'll think I should do first before saying more.

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Sometimes that happens with games, your graphics card at points may not be able to support something and at other times can smoothly run it. I sometimes get it but not in KotOR, I get the strange pixelated squares of colour, usually irregular colours like purple/pink or whatnot. But it should pass when you change scenes or something. Other then that just try to update your GFX card with latest drivers.

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