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Sorry if this has been mentioned before,


Everytime i finish watching the mini-movies (those in-between each level) , the whole screen stayed black for a long time with background music on, and I wouldn't be linked to the next level.



All my software and the system exceeds the requirements of the game.


Can anyone help me?

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This may sound pretty basic, but have you updated the game?


Also, you might try fiddling with some of the video options a bit and see if that doesnt help.


I'm certain others will be along who will give a more detailed explination on how to help you out, sit tight. :wub:

"The dimmest light can shatter the darkest night, and the light I carry is in no way dim."


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Yeah proply update it i had similar problems thats what workrd for me.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin


" Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."

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