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K2, a couple of BIG probs with the game

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OK, hi every1, i just wanted to pass some of the things i found wierd in the game to outright stupid ;)





1)I understand about the Exiles history being hiden at the begining of the game and that you have to figure it out as the game progreses(and i actually agree with how the did this)


What i DONT agree with is the way they make u belive one thing at the begining of the game and after a couple of planets they throw the befive right in your face


(At the bigining of the game u find out that ur this ex-jedi(while every1 for some reson think u ARE still a jedi) but any who fought in Man wars nad trought something or another lost his conn with the force at M5 and then we meet kreia and we leard about a bond with her and i begin to think that u have discovered your conn with the force again(which is totaly a lie) but the game make us belive this for half if it. I mean u even have some dialog octions with the Masters "But i have regained my conn with the force blah blah"


I mean is the Exile a complete moron not to actually remember how it was to be conn with the force and how it fells now that hes only leaching it of others??


2) The idea of influence in this game (beside being totally ilogic) is idiotic.


I mean if u create bond storng enough with others that they do whatever u do, and plp like Visas who is a sith when u meet her but if ur LS she becomes LS in like 2 secs- i mean she changes her whole outlook on like her thinking everything in 2 secs because the power u have with this bond


Now the idea of u trying wo with influence with other npcs(by being nice with them ) becomes idiotic i mean if they change their whole LS-DS in 2 secs of being with u, and that means their whole outlook onl live and everytihng. THEN why dont u make them (feel think love and whatever) the same way instead of the influence thing ??????




Well about everything i can think about now but dont worry ill come back with something else soon (w00t)

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