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What Did You Think Of The Kotor Revelation??

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You seem to view personality as something absolutely firm .. Revan was programmed with a new personality, but that doesn't make the new Revan invalid .. he is still able to make independent decisions just like the old one was .. so if he chooses to go LS, or DS, it is his choice, not the councils, since you (as the player) represents his free will ..

I don't understand why you think he was forced to do anything .. you made the decisions!


I agree. Maybe Revan was 'reprogrammed' with a defined set of memories/circumstance, but where he goes from there is up to him. (I use one pronoun out of lazy typing habits). Personality is not all a matter of a person's past, it is a work under construction. Life and experience (and love, too) changes people. That cannot be foreseen or programmed.


Playing this newly-formed PC, many of the opinions expressed by NPC's about Revan were uncomplimentary. As LS, it was not such a good revelation to find out you and Revan were the same. But while that is who you 'were', it isn't who you 'are' any more. They can name you what they like. You have to integrate and accept what Revan was, but that is all.

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