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SWKOTOR2 corrupt file error

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I have an ATI card, and I'm assuming that's why my game sometimes crashes on a loading screen. It happens about 1/5 of the time. When this happens, I have to reset my comp by pressing the power button. One time when I did this and tried to reload my saved game, the loading bar stopped. I restarted again and all my save files were like this, except for the autosave which loads me w/ no npc's at all. After I quit KotOR2 a little yellow caution icon appeared near my start bar saying the SWKOTOR2 file was corrupt. I am reinstalling it now and I fear I just wasted 30 hours of my life. Anyone got any idea on this? Please.

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I take it you uninstalled the game before you reinstalled it? Reinstalling the game over itself is not a good idea. If you did, have you kept your original savegames? If you reset while it was trying to save then that file will be corrupt, but one of your other saves should be ok (again, I'm assuming you have more than a quicksave and an autosave).


I suggest a full uninstall, reinstall, defrag your hard drive then try an earlier save. Can you post your pc's specs and driver versions?

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