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After almost thirty hours of playing KOTOR II, I seem to have found a problem...After following the light side (in a general way) I arrived in Oberon, and decided to follow the General...planning to infiltrate his organization and betray him, in almost the same way go could play along with the assasination of the Sith Lords of Korriban in the first KOTOR. I left the planet met the other Jedi Masters, and left peacefully, but aparently this was not an option in Oberon, since coming back the jedi left me no choice but to fight....and after killing him, the game decided to label me sith and force me to go on the dark path of the storyline.

So, can anything be done about it? I have a save game just before reaching the academy...so is there a way to fix my game so that I may continue on the path of the light side story? I dont mind beign a sith...but I was hoping to finish off the game with my first choice of alignment, and then go a second time as the oposite....


I downloaded the savegame editor, but how does it work? after unpacking the zip file to the kotor2 directory, I clicked on the boba fett icon, and there seemed to be a bit of loading, but the program didnt start


What you should have seen after the bit of loading was a screen with all your savegame files on the left in a treeview. In that treeview you can expand the game you want to edit and see all the different categories inside the savegame, like inventory, npc, experience, force powers etc. etc.


The only things I can come up with why it did not work for you is either: you did not wait long enough, but I cannot imagine that, because it start within 5 secs on my 2.4GHz P4 PC. Or more likely: somehow you have a slightly disfunctional installation on the game (how ironic in a way) and the program does not know where to locate you savegame files.


The editor looks inside the registry for the following key that usually is added when installing the original KOTOR2 game: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\LucasArts\Kotor2 at that point an entry by the name of "Path" should exist. The editor then looks for a map named "Saves" inside the path mentioned in the registry. If it can find the save games there (and it normally would) than it should work ...


Thanks for your help...I finaly got it to run a different version of the program, and now all I have to do is find out how to modify my status on Oberon, so that I can join the good guys...I found an earlier save while my second group is fighting in the tomb...Ill try to modify that one, to have the Save the Queen scenario


Nope not such luck

Is there some sort of guide for editing the global scripts? I mean something that can tell me what OBE 511 or whatever means, and what

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