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ok, for my buglisting, i've had various of the bugs already discribed in here...


but there are two weird things that really hurt...


first, i finished Dxun for the first time (not yet returned for the Sith grave) and Nar Shadda, then i went to Korriban and finished it too


now, when i want to leave korriban everything seems fine, videos showing up and Ebon Hawk is leaving, goimg to hyperspace an landing...


then, when it is suposed to switch back to the game resolution, i get the cursor and HD ist rushing, after a while the windows error occurs, taking me back to desktop


this happens for any planet...seems i'm stuck at korriban


ok, next issue


i tried to load an old Nar Shadda Save and travel to korriban again, and now it really startet to stress me...


same thing as before, videos showing up, but when switching back to game resolution, the game crashes back to desktop...


tested this with some older saves

leaving telos, same thing

leaving peragus, same thing


so, i tried to reinstall KotOR 2 and guess what happend, the problem is still there...


seems that i have to start it all over again :)


i pray this patch is coming soon...




PS: when i try to make the handmaiden a jedi, the game always crashes after Keira saying Betrayal (not moving to telos akademie as mentioned in other Threads)...i read that its suposed to try again on another Planet, but as i cant leave korriban i could not try yet






Version=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2

Service Pack=Service Pack 2











CPUName=AMD Athlon XP 2400+







[Disk Free Space]





G: (FAT32), UNICODE=1.28GB








Video Card Name=NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600XT

Video Memory=256

Desktop Resolution=1152x864x32 @ 75Hz

DirectX=DirectX (9.0+) (

OpenGL Version=1.5.2

OpenGL Vendor=NVIDIA Corporation

OpenGL Renderer=GeForce FX 5600XT/AGP/3DNOW!

NVidia Driver=

Vid Card Status=Pass

Vid Card Driver Status=Pass

GL Status=Pass

DX Status=Pass



Sound Card Name=SiS 7012 Audio Driver



Sorry to hear that.


I had the same two bugs two or three weeks ago, and here I am, waiting for the patch. Many of the people who reported the 'can't travel/crash to main menu' bug have said that they still had the 'Redemption' quest incompleted on their quest list. Do you have it?


I managed to skip the problem editing the location on my save game, so I could go back to Onderon. And once I had edited it I could travel normally to any planet I wanted to. BUT the problem appeared back just a bit later into the game, at a point where editing won't work, so I got stuck again. So I recommend you to don't go editing, because it will just make your frustation greater.


I have accepted the fact that I'll have to wait for the patch, then begin with a new character.

Sorry to hear that.


I had the same two bugs two or three weeks ago, and here I am, waiting for the patch. Many of the people who reported the 'can't travel/crash to main menu' bug have said that they still had the 'Redemption' quest incompleted on their quest list. Do you have it?


I managed to skip the problem editing the location on my save game, so I could go back to Onderon. And once I had edited it I could travel normally to any planet I wanted to. BUT the problem appeared back just a bit later into the game, at a point where editing won't work, so I got stuck again. So I recommend you to don't go editing, because it will just make your frustation greater.


I have accepted the fact that I'll have to wait for the patch, then begin with a new character.


I wonder when the patch will come, i also having crashes ie the error, especially in dantooine and now in korriban. ITs about time they get a patch. Its been a month since the game came out. Hello wake up already OBSIDIAN

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