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Ok this problem has cropped up several times, but no-one actually seems to be able to help. i'll make this as simple as possible.


I do not want to cheat at kotor 2, but, i would like to see some of the rare items like malaks robes etc, in order to do this one must bring up the console and type in the give item command, but i am unable to get the console to appear.


I dont want to activate cheat mode cos i am not a cheating person.


My game is fully updated.


H E L P !!


The console is invisible. (No lie)....So if you have cheats enabled in the KOTOR2.ini file, bring up the console as you usually would. "~" key. But you won't see anything. Just start typing the "giveitem a_robe_26" and Malaks armor will appear in your inventory.

(Dual-Boot)Windows XP Pro (32 - Bit) SP3 & Windows Vista Ultimate (SP 1) 64 Bit | Intel Dual Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz | 8 GB Corsair DDR 3 Ram 1600 mhz | GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB PCI Express X 3 SLI enabled | NVidia Forceware Drivers 181.22| EVGA nForce 790I-SLI Ultra MOBO | Thermalake 850 Watt PWR |

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