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OK I recently completed KOTOR2 - ploughed through it in about six days.


Like most people I felt that the game was rushed, part finished etc. etc.


I have a question though. The precognition power you get at the beginning of the game (the one from Kreia when you sense the droids in the room) is that totally useless? I never came across it again! (neither did I come across Atton's danger sense thing)


Also when you create your character you gain the feat War Veteran - what exactly does it do or mean?



And now for my suggestion:


The game is nerfed in so many ways. Not just in some severe stability issues and some fairly hefty bugs, general poor texture quality in some areas and reduced detail in some instances over KOTOR 1 but also in the unfinished quests and totally unsatisfactory ending. Along with spelling errors and times when my NPCs were saying something quite different to what was written in the subtitles! (Ok, this only happened a couple of times)


I accept that the bugs will be most likely fixed in a patch and that the rest will be left as is.


The major motivator of Publishers in making money. LucasArts would presumably have to OK any patch developments and the like.


I have a proposal. Given the game is still a very good RPG (better than most) and still perfectly good game in terms of story etc. (lets just ignore the bugs at this point ;) ) I think Obsidian could get away with releasing an 'upgrade', 'bonus' or 'expansion' pack for the game. Most people would except this at face value - an expansion pack not a fix. It could contain all of the bug fixes, finish the unfinished quests, maybe fix the ending (if this wouldn't be deterimental to KOTOR 3) and maybe add a few bonus bits and pieces (a new Yavin IV?). It could retail at about

I have a question though. The precognition power you get at the beginning of the game (the one from Kreia when you sense the droids in the room) is that totally useless? I never came across it again! (neither did I come across Atton's danger sense thing)


I was thinking about that the other day, actually. I never saw those again either, though I stumbled across them when looking at my feats quite a while later.

I have a question though. The precognition power you get at the beginning of the game (the one from Kreia when you sense the droids in the room) is that totally useless? I never came across it again! (neither did I come across Atton's danger sense thing)


I was thinking about that the other day, actually. I never saw those again either, though I stumbled across them when looking at my feats quite a while later.


I did a few times:


- On Dxun when going to fight that big beast that you take the ear off

- On Onderon before you were confronted by the twi'lek bounty hunter and his cronies

- On Onderon with that beast in the cage that goes crazy


The expansion should be distributed via X-Box Live and via Obsidian's website for PC users, free. Hardly anyone would buy it - the game should have come to us complete and unbugged, we all paid for it with our own hard-earned money (unless you are a thief, in which case I will hunt you down :) )

The expansion should be distributed via X-Box Live and via Obsidian's website for PC users, free. Hardly anyone would buy it - the game should have come to us complete and unbugged, we all paid for it with our own hard-earned money (unless you are a thief, in which case I will hunt you down :devil: )



Well I would agree in principle if it weren't for the fact that it wouldn't happen unless we paid for it (not with NWN2 in development and KOTOR 3 in their minds) - they couldn't justify the time given the fact the game is selling well anyway. Plus there are plently of crap games out there and its unreasonable to expect free expansions simply because bits are broken or not as good as they could/should be. And KOTOR 2 is (minus the bugs) still a perfectly reasonable game when taken on its own - when compared to KOTOR1, BG2 and others (and considering what it should have been) however it seems a bit like a lame duck. And a lot of people will buy it on its own strengths.

I have a question though. The precognition power you get at the beginning of the game (the one from Kreia when you sense the droids in the room) is that totally useless? I never came across it again! (neither did I come across Atton's danger sense thing)


I was thinking about that the other day, actually. I never saw those again either, though I stumbled across them when looking at my feats quite a while later.


I did a few times:


- On Dxun when going to fight that big beast that you take the ear off

- On Onderon before you were confronted by the twi'lek bounty hunter and his cronies

- On Onderon with that beast in the cage that goes crazy



Maybe this is another bug then? I didn't experience it then or ever outside of Peragus (and I had Kreia with me all the time)

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