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Frame Buffer Causes Black Screen and Level Probs?

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AMD64 3200+


Windows XP Pro (SP2)

Nvidia 5900


I think the Frame Buffer (effects) are messing up the game because Frame Buffering, from my limited understanding, means your video card is caching extra frames in the VRAM (video ram) and while normally this means faster FPS and added effects just like the game says (particle flares; motion blurr)...


I think caching the frames throws the engine's timing off and that is why cutscenes -- in-game cutscenes -- And level transitions aren't loading right for a lot of people because they are set to a certain FPS (tick) and the buffer effect is just getting everything out of synch somehow.


I am not a programmer or video card expert, but I think this is what is happening and is entirely plausible if there is something wrong with the engine, correct?


I have come to this conclusion because once I turned them off, the game has been playing much smoother overall and I have had no wierd crashes or black screens or loading freezes, etc, etc.


I also have the Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 in my swkotor2.ini even though I have an Nvidia card and the game just plays smoother as well. There are still some gameplay bugs (swoop racing; lightsaber always on; some balance issues), but nothing game stopping like before.


So, the best bet would be to turn them off and see if that helps...


Even if you have a 6800 or X800. Swallow your pride and live without the added effects if it means a more stable game and better performance.


Obviously, this is a problem Obsidian and LA needs to address in a patch, but if it at least allows you to play the game until a patch comes out... It is up to you to choose what you want to do.

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