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Ok character spoiler

When I first got HK-47 fixed I took him out of the ship and decked him out with some gear, gun included. I then entered the Ebon Hawk again and there is a scene with T3 etc... Odd as his gun just vanishes in the scene.. ok whatever. That ends and I notice.. he still doesn't have it. Hmm, *shrug* leave the ship again and his gun isn't just unequiped, it was deleted? Wtf... Had to reload and do that cutscene with him unarmed.



Then there is

Visas? I entered the ship from Korriban after completing it. She's in that area she's always in. I beat her, the dialogs with her on the medical table kick in and you talk to another party member... She wakes up and I talked to her again. I said some nice things which turned to @$@^ for my evil character so I reloaded the auto save. Ok, beat her again, go to the medical room and the whole scene ends. Huh? No dialogs at all. There are NO party members in the room besides me and visas and better still no party members on the ship period. Cool! So I try talking to visas and her body slides out into thin air like the hand on a clock? Awesome. I tried reloading 2 more times and it was the same glitch with the auto save. Had to load a save outside of the ship and it then worked as it should.


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