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Anyone else had any problems when gaining LS/DS points or Levelling up when your whole party's alignment reverses?


Basically i an playing LS atm and the more i gain points the reverse happens to my companions.


It's as if the game has been programmed to update the npc alignment as 1- yours.


However this is not a problem with the amount of influence i have but what it does to the npc's.


I have tried using addlightside/adddarkside for my character and the more light i got the more dark they do and vice versa.


But when they are DS their conversation to me reflect my LS status.


It's pretty annoying when you are LS and all your NPC's look like death <_<


Any help much appreciated :p


Its a bug thats been mentioned many times on this forum lol.


pick your party members, quick save then quick load (or do both thru the save/load menus) and it should show up correctly... well.. untill the bug pops up again (for me its every conversation cutscene and level-up :p )


The game knows the right alignment it just seems to have a hard time showing it :p

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