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Ok,y just finished KOTOR2 for my first time(great job Obsidian&LucasArts)and before y start my next one y have some general questions:


1.What do the gold pazak cards do and how do u use them?


2.How do u get the Disciple in your party?


3.How do u beet the droid on Nar Shadda in swoop racing?


4.In the refuge sector on Nar Shadaa their's a Speeder whis says that can take u to the other places but u need some parts to repair it. Where do u find them?


5.Is it possible to romance any of the girl paty members(y don't want to know how,y want to find out by myself)


6.The Lightsaber-How do u change the hilt?

-What was so special about getting it?


That's about it, thanks for reading, and y guess i'm gonna play Battlefront before u reply, thank's again.

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