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Can't get past intro video!

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Hi folks,


My first post on these boards, so sorry it's a gripe.


Looking forward to playing KOTOR2 today. Installed it, configured it, then fired it up and created a character. However, as soon as the SW title sequence is over (or I end it early with mouse or Esc), the screen goes black, and shortly after it the game crashes. During the black screen I can hear the background music and ambient sound effects. From the sounds I'd guess I'm supposed to be aboard the Hawk?



I've tried both the latest ATI Cat drivers and Omega drivers to no avail. I've tried configuring the game to the very lowest settings and still I get the Black Screen of Death.


I was able to run KOTOR1 smoothly on the same system.


Does anyone know what the Hell is going on here???


Any help would be appreciated. I could use a quick answer here from Obsidian since I have a limited time window in which to return the product. Is it worth holding out for a patch???

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