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I have registered to this forum for one sole reason: getting help and discussing the problem of the black screen.


I have already looked a several threads discussing this. Actually, I have looked at all the threads regarding this in this forum.


From all the threads I have seen the solution was either somehow get by it using an old save file or delete all your files and start from the beginning.


Now, I have seen that most people get this particular problem at Dantooine. Some have specified that they are able to pause and hear background music.


I have experienced a similar problem. This problem has ocurred at Dxun in the Mandalorian Camp. Kelborn is to take me to some place to go speak to or help Kavar. I do not know where it is but that's not what matters.


What matters is that I need to get through this part to beat the game and the game is not allowing me to get through.


Now, what have I done to get by this?

I have tried uploading previous save files numerous times. My patience has been shattered. Does it work? Of course not.


I have read in threads that some point fingers at modified X-Boxes.

I will tell you that, like countless others, mine is not. Neither my younger brother nor I would do such a thing even if we know how to.


My prediction is that either no one will reply to this since or no one will post anything to help me. Regardless, though, I post to hopefully find answers.


I will not point fingers at the developers who are often blamed. If anyone could somehow help me I would appreciate so much.


There is one bit of detail that I have left out. It is true, that I have found errors right before this occurrs. It seems that dialogue skips in the conversation with Kelborn and I have doubts that everyone from the Ebon Hawk is supposed to be standing inside of the building where I first met Mandalore.



I thank any who have read this long and dull post. Not only do I appreciate answers but I also appreciate ears willing to listen. (Or rather, eyes willing to read)


Thank you.




Too often I find myself asking a question and then later solving my own problem.


You see, it is my own laziness that caused this. When I was leaving Onderon. I was attacked by Sith Assasins. I didn't want to battle them so I used mind trick. However, Kelborn and Xarga got into the battle while I was running away.


That's what caused the glitch. When I came back to camp they were still fighting. Because Kelborn was involved he couldn't speak to me and we couldn't decide who would be on what team.


I could still talk to him after the battle but the dialogue had already been skipped so all I could do was ask him to take me to wherever it was I was supposed to go.


It couldn't load because the team was never decided.


Perhaps such errors are behind these black screens. Maybe not the one on Dantooine but maybe for others.


My mood has reversed. I am now very chipper and I'm not biting my family members' heads off.


Thanks for listening.




I did get a response from tech support on this, it was "go back to an earlier saved game". The issue was that after killing the mercs in the cave, Vrook didn't come out of his force cage, and therefore hadn't talked to me, and so wasn't around to fight the mercs during their attack on Koonda. Just really, really sloppy sanity checking at various points. I applaud obsidian for making an ambitious game, but you HAVE to have sanity checks in there to make sure that a simple action doesn't squash the plotline.

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