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Incorrect Influence Gain Bug

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So as I play the game a second time around, I have noticed several slight errors when it comes to gaining influence.


For instance, when rescuing the stranded Mandalorian on Dxun, Disciple makes a comment. Well, after explaining to him that Mandalorians aren't my enemies anymore, I grab some influence...but not with him. (Influence Gain: Atton) Well, Atton's currently on the ship right now trying to repair it.


A similar situation happened with Bao Dur, where his influence went off to a random party member back at the Hawk.


Is it supposed to be like that?


Because I need those little gains in order to finish up certain character stories.

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Who knows. After playing some of the game and seeing some dialogue mistakes, bad editing after cutscenes, and conversation errors it is becoming apparent that maybe the xbox version should've been released with the PC version.


Damn you LA.

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