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:blink: I so want to play this game but I am not even 15 mins into it, still on Ebon Hawk havent fixed hyper drive yet and the game freezes up on me very often. Black button, FREEZE, use computer, FREEZE, go to work bench, FREEZE, move around, FREEZE, Iam ready to go to Game Spot during my lunch break to exchange it but I am fearful that this may not help. I have 3 X Boxes, the 1st is a launchbox only problems ever had were occasional dirty disc error and more importantly MORROWIND would get lots of freezing and disc error but nothing like this, atleast it was playable. The other 2 are recent 1 for me and 1 for the misses both have a good drive(forget which one but I checked when I got them and according to the disc tray design they were verified to be non problematic according to forums like this) and I have never got a dirty disc error or freeze up on either of the newer boxes until now. Seems like some of you dont have any problems while others are expieriencing a plethora of problems. PLease help as I am only minutes into the game and it is unplayable. WILL A NEW DISC HELP OR DO I NEED A 4TH BOX. (forgive spelling and grammar errors)
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;) I so want to play this game but I am not even 15 mins into it, still on Ebon Hawk havent fixed hyper drive yet and the game freezes up on me very often. Black button, FREEZE, use computer, FREEZE, go to work bench, FREEZE, move around, FREEZE, Iam ready to go to Game Spot during my lunch break to exchange it but I am fearful that this may not help. I have 3 X Boxes, the 1st is a launchbox only problems ever had were occasional dirty disc error and more importantly MORROWIND would get lots of freezing and disc error but nothing like this, atleast it was playable. The other 2 are recent 1 for me and 1 for the misses both have a good drive(forget which one but I checked when I got them and according to the disc tray design they were verified to be non problematic according to forums like this) and I have never got a dirty disc error or freeze up on either of the newer boxes until now. Seems like some of you dont have any problems while others are expieriencing a plethora of problems. PLease help as I am only minutes into the game and it is unplayable. WILL A NEW DISC HELP OR DO I NEED A 4TH BOX. (forgive spelling and grammar errors)

Update for anyone seeing this, I had 2 post on this yesterday so please forgive the redundency. I exchanged the bad copy for a new one and te problem appears to be resolved. Played for an hour or 2 last night and no problems at all great improvement considering I couldnt get past 15 mins for 2 days prior due to it freezing up every minute, Good Luck to the rest of you with problems hopefully a new copy fixes your problem too.

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