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This comes from before patch 1.3. I finished the game just in time to downlad the patch right after closing it.

I managed to gather all three crew members for a drink. I let Ruanga and Kowha to be poisoned. After Naku Kubel I entered Thirdborn and I noticed banter between NPC near the city gate saying about murder of captain Ngunu. I run to the tower, when Ngunu kept his book about poisons and his body was there with a lot of blood. Then I run to the second floor of the inn and I saw Ngunu alive, standing with Tauwe and only one body on the floor - it was Kowha.

Later in the finale I met Ruanga in the camp. She was alive and tolked about killing Ngunu.

It looks like the game killed both Ruanga and Kowha and I finished the quest with this outcome, while later it turned out like I didn't persuade Ruanga to meet with the captain Ngunu. 


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