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Unable to import PoE1 Save File to PoE2 since new PoE1 Patch



As the title states, I am not able to import my PoE1 Save that I completed today into PoE2. I believe it has to do with completing PoE1 with the new patch that the game received recently, as other saves from previous versions still appear in PoE2. Has anyone else run into this roadblock? I would prefer to import the save I spent 150 hours on than creating a legacy from scratch or using a save generator.

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Thank you for the answer Kvellen. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, as it only made savegames from before the patch appear (which were all the way back into Act 2).

However, out of frustration, I decided to delve into the savegame files to see what I could find, and I believe I've found the solution:

  1. Go to your Pillars of Eternity 1 Saved Game directory. (C:\Users\"username"\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity)
  2. Open the "gamecomplete.savegame" file in WinRAR.
  3. Look for the file "saveinfo.xml"  in the archive and open it in Notepad.
  4. Find the following string and simply change value="3" to value="2":

        <Simple name="SaveVersion" type="System.Int32, mscorlib" value="3" />


  5. Save "saveinfo.xml" in the archive, and then select "Yes" when WinRAR asks if you wish to update it in the archive.

The completed Pillars of Eternity 1 save file should now appear when you are prompted to import a save into Deadfire, regardless of which patch the game was completed on.

Hope this helps others who are in the same boat.

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Posted (edited)

Edit: The post above fixes the issue.

Yup this is an issue introduced with the newest patch for PoE1. If you have the game on GoG or Steam reverting the game back to the previous version and then creating a GameComplete save should work.

There is a reddit post that explains how to do this on Steam.

For GoG Galaxy:

  1. Right click the game in your library and Select Manage installation -> Configure.
  2. On the "Installation" tab uncheck "Automatically update to the newest version"
  3. Select the "" from the list and click ok.
  4. Load the save before picking your ending and go through the ending slides.
  5. Hopefully your PoE1 save should show up when prompted to select it in Deadfire.
Edited by Kvellen
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  On 6/18/2024 at 8:48 PM, xSki said:

Thank you for the answer Kvellen. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, as it only made savegames from before the patch appear (which were all the way back into Act 2).

However, out of frustration, I decided to delve into the savegame files to see what I could find, and I believe I've found the solution:

  1. Go to your Pillars of Eternity 1 Saved Game directory. (C:\Users\"username"\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity)
  2. Open the "gamecomplete.savegame" file in WinRAR.
  3. Look for the file "saveinfo.xml"  in the archive and open it in Notepad.
  4. Find the following string and simply change value="3" to value="2":
  5. Save "saveinfo.xml" in the archive, and then select "Yes" when WinRAR asks if you wish to update it in the archive.

The completed Pillars of Eternity 1 save file should now appear when you are prompted to import a save into Deadfire, regardless of which patch the game was completed on.

Hope this helps others who are in the same boat.


After a few hours of searching around for a fix to this problem, your comment is what resolved it for me. Thank you SO MUCH for your help!

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  1. Save "saveinfo.xml" in the archive, and then select "Yes" when WinRAR asks if you wish to update it in the archive.


This did not work for me, sadly. And I JUST finally got around to beating the first game again to get myself into Deadfire; just a few days too late it seems, haha.

This fix did allow me to see the game's save file within Deadfire, which before showed only "No saved games to import", but the now accessible import file had an image that was whited out, and pressing Select didn't function properly. It would click--the UI visually registered it--and make a sound, yet had no effect otherwise; I could hit Select on my save file, but it wouldn't then make the Import button useable. Close, but no cigar,

My PoE 1 version beta is not set to legacy or anything.

Not sure what's different in my situation compared to others who've had success. My savegames are located in the usual User>SaveGames folder, and both my games are on the same drive, and are up to date.

A shame this patch for a nine-year-old game managed to break something the moment I was ready to play Deadfire.

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  On 6/25/2024 at 6:03 PM, Connor Brown said:


This did not work for me, sadly. And I JUST finally got around to beating the first game again to get myself into Deadfire; just a few days too late it seems, haha.



Almost immediately fixed my own issue with this workaround.

Not sure exactly why it suddenly worked for me, but I re-zipped all of the savefile contents (with the xml edit) and labeled the zip file "CharacterName-AlteredSave gamecomplete.savegame" and it solved it. I may have messed up the filename when I did it before or something, although I did attempt one time to label it exactly as the original file was named.

For anyone doing this, make sure the save file you created is labeled "PrintWhateverHere gamecomplete.savegame" and, I suspect, make sure that the space is there before the gamecomplete string.  

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  On 6/18/2024 at 8:48 PM, xSki said:

Thank you for the answer Kvellen. Unfortunately, it did not work for me, as it only made savegames from before the patch appear (which were all the way back into Act 2).

However, out of frustration, I decided to delve into the savegame files to see what I could find, and I believe I've found the solution:

  1. Go to your Pillars of Eternity 1 Saved Game directory. (C:\Users\"username"\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity)
  2. Open the "gamecomplete.savegame" file in WinRAR.
  3. Look for the file "saveinfo.xml"  in the archive and open it in Notepad.
  4. Find the following string and simply change value="3" to value="2":
  5. Save "saveinfo.xml" in the archive, and then select "Yes" when WinRAR asks if you wish to update it in the archive.

The completed Pillars of Eternity 1 save file should now appear when you are prompted to import a save into Deadfire, regardless of which patch the game was completed on.

Hope this helps others who are in the same boat.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your fix worked. I have been searching for days to fix this issue. You have saved what little sanity I had left.  Thank you!

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  On 6/18/2024 at 8:48 PM, xSki said:

Спасибо за ответ, Квеллен. К сожалению, у меня это не сработало, так как были сохранены только игры до появления патча (которые были полностью возвращены ко 2-му акту).

Однако, от разочарования я решил покопаться в файлах сохраненной игры, чтобы посмотреть, что я смогу найти, и я верю, что нашел решение:

  1. Перейдите в каталог сохраненных игр Pillars of Eternity 1. (C:\Users \"имя пользователя"\ Сохраненные игры \ Pillars of Eternity)
  2. Откройте файл "gamecomplete.savegame" в WinRAR.
  3. Найдите файл "saveinfo.xml" в архиве и откройте его в Блокноте.
  4. Найдите следующую строку и просто измените значение ="3" на значение ="2":
  5. Сохраните "saveinfo.xml" в архиве, а затем выберите "Да", когда WinRAR спросит, хотите ли вы обновить его в архиве.

Готовый файл сохранения Pillars of Eternity 1 теперь должен отображаться при запросе импортировать сохранение в Deadfire, независимо от того, в каком патче игра была завершена.

Надеюсь, это поможет другим, кто находится в той же ситуации.


It worked for me too! Thank you very much!))

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