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Platform Bounce Web & Elevator?

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Hey Obsidian, 

Is there any way you could add another alternative to the Bounce Web?

As I built a 6-story high zipline building, I realized how much of a pain it is to deal with Bounce Webs. So I was thinking, could you add another alternative to the bounce web that can be built into the floor? Keep the material build the same but maybe add an extra 4 stems. Essentially, instead of jumping onto it and hitting the roof with your head, you'll walk onto the web and it bounces you onto the next floor.

Also, in the 'G' - customize settings, could you add/change 3 features:

  •  change bounce to 200% (or 110% to compensate for the lost height) so we could jump even higher
  • change the Bounce Angle to 360° (I understand the coding nightmare of this)
  • add a bounce delay from 0.0~3.0 sec.

For the second idea, I was thinking of adding an elevator that can be attached to the buildings that can work with the counterweight. How would it recognize that it has reached a floor? Attach a special platform to the elevator that will tell it reached a floor.

Thank you for your time!

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