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Game runs at 10-15FPS, would love to be able to play again.



Watercooled 3600x, 3200mhz 32GB RAM, 3080 Ultra running at a blistering 15FPS in fights with everything set to the lowest possible settings, and down to a crisp cinematic 10FPS if I dare try High settings.

I used to absolutely love this game when it came out, but it is literally unplayable on my current computer. Other horrendously optimized games like Darktide and Hogwarts Legacy run at 60FPS on Ultra. I know this is a much more graphically demanding and detailed game, but is there anything I can try beyond special K CPU core spoofing and forcing 3d10 or 3d11?

I would love to be able to play it again. Just hitting 30fps in fights would be amazing.

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