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Dolls House
That there would be a dolls house in the garden just plain and simple dolls house, but inside would be a chest at the foot of the bed that would need a key to open, inside could be a mold for a plastic weapon/tool. And the furniture could be broken down with a tier 2 or tier 3 weapon and melted in the forge for some new plastic weapon/tool. Bugs inside could be spiderlings, ticks and other small bugs.  Stuff the player could interact with could be the windows/doors on the house or perhaps the door is blocked to prevent early game access like being blocked off by a doll that must be blown up or moved out the way somehow.

“Nerf” Gun

Something cool I think would be a nerf/dart gun a player could interactive somehow that would fire a dart at something else, similar to how the bombs are used to blow up the rock at the picnic table, it could be activating the nerf gun to activate something else like a button on a wall or even firing the kids towards a place perhaps like a slingshot as the foam would protect them on impact

Ice Chest

ice chest that has ice cubes and beverages inside, I’d like to see this be an early game place to be explored perhaps by the picnic table as it would make sense. Rather than bugs it would have a freezing affect when near the ice cubes and perhaps have frozen bugs inside a couple of them. The idea for this place would be an early game place to get juice to keep alive but could also provide things like raw hot dog parts or even ice chunks that could be used to in a mini freeze to your own base to stop food from spoiling or at least slow it down, the ice could melt over time meaning frequent trips could be needed. Things to interact with could be an the lid of the ice chest needing to be opened somehow or another way in needing to be made

Tree House

A simple tree house that is meant for the size of the kids and could be a mystery of who made it, it would high of the ground and could act as a great place to put down ziplines later in the game and could be the home of whoever has constructed the labs, the way up to it could be via the grappling hook mentioned later in this or another method which could be a tunnel inside the tree having to put in resources to make a ladder similar to the picnic table zip line and having to add the silk 

Other features

Liquid Piping, pipes could be made stems and crude rope and could be used to move water from a water reservoir to other ones, so moving juice could be made possible but expensive as multiple pipes would be needed to accomplish the task

Temperatures, with hot and possible cold being a thing perhaps at night it could get cold to the point the player is slightly slower or that food and water drain goes up to keep the body warm, this could be prevent with armour or being inside. This feature could also just be moved completely to the sandpit as how in real life some deserts are deserts due to how cold they get, so the sandpit could be hit during the day and freezing during the night

late game grappling hook would be an awesome item just to simply get to places easier and could require termite parts as a hook or could require a late game part from each area, the effective range wouldn’t be huge but enough to climb up some areas this could even be used earlier in the game to reach new areas.

On 3/27/2022 at 12:13 AM, DarkerDimension said:

late game grappling hook would be an awesome item just to simply get to places easier and could require termite parts as a hook or could require a late game part from each area, the effective range wouldn’t be huge but enough to climb up some areas this could even be used earlier in the game to reach new areas.

I like this idea. Though, I don't see why it could not be an early game thing. You have arrows that could have spider silk attached, which would definitely accomplish the desired functionality from a 'physics' perspective.

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