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So I changed my Steam game library location...


Posted (edited)

I came back to PoE after having acquired an SSD strictly for games (they were on an SSD before too, but it was cramped). I've also, since I last played, doubled my computer's RAM. I loaded a save from 2021 to continue my adventure, and encountered the following problems:

* Saving is slower than I remember it. Might be a lot of things are slower, but quick save isn't quite deserving the name right now. And, given the doubled RAM, my PC shouldn't have gotten worse, even if RAM might not have much impact on F5.
* Aloth won't give me his quest. I've completed Never Far From The Queen, but he doesn't want to go see Bellasege. If she dies, the quest still fails.
* Stronghold turns aren't giving me adventures. We're talking dozens of turns without them. You wanna say "bad luck, but theoretically possible", I say, my garden/shop aren't generating reagents either.

Now, I got bored of that party so I don't really need these things fixed. But, I need them to not happen to future parties. Do you figure I can blame this on my little Steam maneuver or is there something worse at play? To be clear, what I did was:
* Play the game sometime in 2021, installed on SSD1
* Uninstall the game
* Wait X months
* Install the game on SSD2 the other day
* Experience great sadness from aforementioned bugs

Update: Performance markedly better on new playthrough (for some reason level ups were extremely slow on others; game briefly froze with every stat/skill assignment) and adventures are working. So, no biggie anymore.

Edited by omgFIREBALLS

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