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我就想问问策划跟技术你们是蜘蛛侠吗,你们要不去试试能追上吗?就算追不上用弓箭打一箭根本打不死,跑的比开法拉利都快,不知道你们技术和策划到底玩不玩这个游戏,一天别的不用干了光追这个闪烁甲虫了,跟遛狗是的,不知道是我玩的技术不好还是我脑子不够用,你来出来告诉滚奶奶这东西怎么打,就连诱捕陷阱都用上了 也照样不管用,而且诱捕陷阱写的很清楚(花香有货昆虫),我就问问闪烁甲虫到底是不是昆虫?是昆虫怎么不好用?难道是我生物学的不好?别认为一个游戏就跟你再婚一样随随便便,能不能好好的认认真真的做测试,这一天一更新的每次都是好几个G ,不是修复这个就是修复那个的,能不能干点正事,再说了一个7上8的武器一下要5个闪烁甲虫材料,怕不是你们疯了吧?不行去医院看看去,怎么想的也不知道,太随意了。

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Scintillation beetles too fast

Spider set + bola (+ 7) fundamental overtake scintillation beetles

Watermelon worms armor (heavy armor) played chicken blood also overtake

+ 7 crow crossbow feather arrows - sting - arrows three fundamental always leave a dozen deathless

I just wanted to ask planning with technology you are spider man, you don't try to catch up with you? Even overtake with a bow and an arrow is deathless, can run faster than open a ferrari, don't know whether your technology and planning play not play this game, a light day other don't have to go for the flashing beetles, with the dog for a walk yes, I don't know is I play technology is bad or my brain not enough use, how do I call you in the roll out to tell grandma, even using traps is still doesn't work, and traps write very clear (insects) flowers is available, I will ask scintillation beetle is an insect? How bad are insects use? Is it my biology? Don't think a game just like you remarried casually, can be serious to do the test well, the day update every time is several G, not repair this is repair the, can do some business, say a 7 8 weapons to five flashing beetle material, afraid of not you crazy? No went to the hospital to see, how to also don't know, is too casual.

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