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New DLC idea as a last send off.. .. Giants of Monarch (Land of the Lost style)

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As in this thread and others had commented

The level cap is too low.. but what if we had an easy to put together last DLC? I say 'easy' but game design is never 'easy' but in comparison to the other DLCs.. this would be a light amount of work.

Imagine on Monarch, The Board had a secret.. the reason they didn't invest in Monarch was because of the 'monsters'.. but ones that weren't commonly known about.

In this DLC you receive a Communiqué from The Board that all settlements on Monarch are being threated and 30 of their troopers have died already. This of course has the Board worried about Law Suits from the troopers families as it does not fall under the death clauses of their contracts.

We set off for Monarch with a new destination.. Monarch West (The Pit)*.. The landing pad is behind a massive rock (so the ship is not smashed) we go outside and get a quick cutscene of a Cloverfield sized Manta called 'Manta Emperor' ending with you and the up to two party members running back inside..

ADA informs you 'we cannot lift off captain, until the threat outside is dealt with'.. 'May I suggest all crew members fight together to bring down this assailant?' Parvati interject before the captain can answer 'I have been working on a MEGA-GUN on my spare times.. y'know beef up the ships defences with a little offense.. I don't know if its ready.. we would have weaken the creature lot before we could try it..'

The selection screen for leaving the ship comes up, but this time we are choosing a 'First Officer' to lead the second team.. you then choose who you want for your team and the remainder will go with your FO. Your adreno rations are now split in half. Bonuses from both teams only apply when you are within 200 years of each other.

Manta Emperor

Pretty much Cloverfield style He has Manta-Queens dropping off him while whole the team traverse 'The Valley'.. when weakened he has the option to go back in his cave to eat glowing crystals to regain health but if he is aggro'd enough he will keep fighting.

Once severely weakened he goes nuts and just starts chasing the team then gets his head stuck in-between the wall and giant rock.. its at this point ADA asks you if she will fire the cannon.. you have a dialogue option.. that doesn't matter because its just a comedy moment of 'will I have to do this all again' as Parvati and then the whole team start shouting 'YES!! .. FIRE!!' ..

ADA fires the MEGA-GUN and Manta Emperor's head explodes.

We get a unique item suited for each crew member and ton of XP and cash; 2 levels XP and 450,000 bits. + Board rep.

We can now continue further into the Valley and so on to the 'Mouth of the Pit'.. at the Mouth of the Pit a Cloverfield sized:


who has gotten himself stuck in the hole.. he can spit corrosive and swipe are the two teams but at this stage cannot leave the hole he is stuck in.. this is to suck the players in that this is an easy fight..  no. he gets free when his swiping knocks over a massive boulder that cracks the side of the Pit (the hole he is stuck in)

.. he can now eat party members. They give him indigestion but he can eat up to three before he has to sick them up. If he dies with a party member inside him you have to go inside to retrieve/revive them.

Reward: unique armour for each crew member. 5 levels and 1,000,000 bits.  ++ Board rep.

Forward into 'The Pit'. It *was* a gaping hole but with the boulder cracking the side of the mouth we now have a *slight* staircase to this very deep cavern.

As the crew lands they see massive SAM robots in pieces .. this is the scene of a battle past.. The Crew start to worry with Max asking the captain 'are you sure we should be down here captain?'.

Hyper-Eurayle (lvl 75+ recommended)

As the Crew walk further down the tunnel..  getting wetter and wetter.. until the crew realize they are inside a stomach.. who doesn't want to have that kind of adventure?? .. there is a trick.. if you can't kill her, you can 'Grumpy' your way out (see Land of the Lost movie).. if you're there to fight.. you need to get one team to the brainstem while the other fires at the lungs.. mess up and her stomach acid will wipe out the lung team.. mess up with the brain team and you will end up in her mouth with many sharp teeth..

Beat her and..

Rewards: 10 levels 5,000,000 bit and 5 unique weapon mods & 5 unique armour mods.. these are always returned and three perks per mod. Mods makes non-unique nameable and unique. +++ Board rep.

On the other side there is a landing pad and Felix comments 'Hey why didn't we land here??' and Nyoka turns around to him and says' You CRAZY??.. so we go up that things ass fight it and.. what do you think that GIGA Sprat would have sprayed at us?? 'bout lost your mind boy!' Felix embarrassed 'oh. yeah..'



*West of the large structure on the hill..  West of the Monarch Settlements.


I got loads of bad karma with the board would like a chance to clean that up so I can buy out the byz weapon shop. fyi.

Edited by dava4444
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