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Public test .11 Consistent CTDs

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I’ve gotten 4 CTDs while moving stacks from inventory to storage. Each time it was different materials and different events leading to the crash, but each instance was an attempt to move a stack from inventory to 1 of 4 storage chests at the baseball (different chests.) It occurs about 15-20 mins after loading in and started yesterday, even though I’ve been using the PT option since it was available (10/6) Both my backpack and the chests have lots of stuff in them if that matters.

*edit* also the black soldier ants seem to get stuck in the walls while in their den, like the red ant soldiers, and black ants were coming through the bottom of the sandbox to attack me the first day. That hasnt happened since.

other than that the new update is awesome. Thanks for the killer game.

*update* tried for six hours to recreate the crash and it only happened once, which I’m sure was triggered by an auto save while I was dragging an item. Other than that, went perfect. 
one note: my red ant population is out of control. Before there were about 5 soldiers and 40-50 workers near the western hill, now there are at least 20 soldiers and I’m killing hundreds of ants a day just to keep my grasslands FPS at 60. Please cap the ant population in that area. 100 would be plenty. Or reduce the egg spawn rate. I watched them for a bit and it seemed like they were carrying a new egg out of the chamber every minute or so.

Edited by jws1102
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*sigh* CTDs started again last night, 6 in a row. Here’s what happened: 


killed brood mother, came back to baseball, saved. I have a storage basket on a table where I keep extra tools and armor. It was full so I made second one. While transferring gear from the full one to my inventory, or vise versa, the game started crashing whenever I started moving objects. It happened with shift-clicks and drag and drops. At first I thought it was because I didn’t release shift between objects, so I was very sure to release and press it again between object but no help. I tried to drag and drop only, more ctds.  

The only thing these chest have in common with the ones from the original post are that they are at the baseball and off the floor. These two baskets are on a round table, the chests from the previous post are on a grass floor being held by a half wall, with a stem pallet tucked underneath. 

I hope you guys get this on figured out, because I love grounded but this glitch is a game-breaker.

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