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Pillars of Eternity 1 - Trials of Durance quest



Hello Guys!


In first place congratulations for the great game. It is wonderful to know a so rich universe. I just finished the game, but my Trials of Durance quest didn't complete. Then I'm returning to the game to complete this quest. I'm in the "Discuss your vision with Durance" part of the quest, and seem to have exhausted all the conversation options, but the quest doesn't advance. I'm playing in the Game Pass for PC, so I'm not able to change the files. My save is:


https://www.dropbox.com/s/oq8xofywg2bxmg2/Pillars of Eternity.savegame?dl=0


Can please you help me? I would like to finish this quest before jump the PoE2.

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