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Hi everyone,

My PC is Lady of Pain build from forums. Aumaua Fighter.

PC: Using Hours of Rumbalt currently with W. Focus: Soldier but planning to respec into W. F: Adventurer for Blade of The Endless Paths which I recently got.

My team comp is: PC, Aloth, Eder, Durance, Kana, Pallegina. All level 11.

Have all expansions. I'll immediately start playing POE 2 after finishing 1 and gonna import my save.

I only like Sagani out of my actual team. I have no intention of using Zahua, Caroc, Grieving Mother, Hiravias and Maneha. I will probably sacrifice Maneha at Effigy in my current situation. I don't like Eder even a little bit and want to sacrifice him so much but no one is better tank than him. I don't like handmade adventurers. If I find a way to compensate his absence with Kana / Pallegina, I'll sacrifice him with joy.

I want to use Hours of Rumbalt somehow still and most probable candidate looks like Pallegina. I want to use Sabre which came by Maerwald's soul aswell but confused too much. Eder is using this sabre currently.

Weapon Focuses are: PC Soldier, Eder & Pallegina Ruffian, Durance nothing, Aloth & Kana Adventurer.

I want to maximize my benefits from Kana and Pallegina and got obsessed with them too much. I use Dragon Thrash chant only with Kana.

I feel something is wrong with my comp. Even wins are not satisfying. I wished to distribute weapon focus in variety but couldn't gone that way. All look similar.

I want to make Kana as tanky as possible and Pallegina as alpha striker as possible. Which talents and abilities should I go:

Currently I use:


2 Vielo Vidorio
3 Zealous Focus
4 Vulnerable Attack
5 Sworn Enemy
6 Wrath of Five Suns
7 Reviving Exho
8 Gunner
9 Reinforcing Exho
10 Critical Focus
11 Hastening Exhor
12 Wep Focus Ruffian
13 Sacred Immolation
14 Scion of Flame
15 Righteous Soul
16 Marksman


2 But Reny Daret's Ghost + Ancient Memory
3 Come, Come Soft Winds of Death
4 White Worms Writhed in the Bellies of The Dead + Beloved Spirits
5 Sure-Handed
6 At The Sound of His Voice + Marksman
7 Dull The Edge
8 Rejoice, My Comrade + Apprentice's Sneak Attack
9 The Dragon Thrashed
10 Oh But Knock Noton the Door + Wep Focus Adventurer
11 Thick Grew
12 Seven Nights She Waited + Secrets of Rime
13 Aefyllath
14 Their Champion Braved The Horde + Interrupting Blows
15 Mercy and Kindness
16 The Bride Caught their Ruse + Outlander's Frenzy

Should I use Pallegina like a gunner like how I am using her right now or turn her into using Hours of Rumbalt?

Am I using Kana right?


Edited by Veshialle
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