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Hedge Lab - No Exit!

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I got into the Hedge Lab but now there is no way out of it. The door I entered through locked behind me. I tried throwing the switch inside but that did not unlock it. I'm completely stuck and can't leave. The only thing I can think to do at this point is wait until my character starves to death and respawn somewhere else, which also means I  lose all the gear I was carrying since it will be trapped in there. Anyone else have this issue? Any ideas on how else to get out? 


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This just escalated to a bigger problem since you can't actually die from dehydration and starvation, (just left at 1hp). That means I  have no way to leave the lab, completely stuck here. Last option I guess is to load an old save game before I entered the Hedge Lab, forgoing the recordings and other items to collect there. 

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5 minutes ago, Dennis Giles said:

This just escalated to a bigger problem since you can't actually die from dehydration and starvation, (just left at 1hp). That means I  have no way to leave the lab, completely stuck here. Last option I guess is to load an old save game before I entered the Hedge Lab, forgoing the recordings and other items to collect there. 

Go to pause menu and "give up". This will kill you and you will respawn at lean-to.

Edited by DeeKay86
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