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I am going to do my best to explain this, if I fail, I will do a video.

I think there are areas that need improving with the building, there are way too many spots, especially with rocks where it is impossible to place certain structures. Like gates, some walls etc. I was building on the hill next to the first analayzer place (still can't recall the name of this place), where I had made a small out garden around that and then build a small stairs up to the top. But, there is no way to get anything close to the dirt/mound and creatures do/and will get in there and get stuck sometimes.

The same is especially true for the small rocks on top of this mound, where I am trying to build a perimeter, but not getting anywhere as the rocks just keep stopping me from putting walls and gates down.

And is there anything structure wise that can not be destroy by bugs, ants etc. I am getting sick of trying to explore and coming back and finding a nest of ants attacking my base and repairing it. It seems that is 98% of my time on the game, stopping the ants from destroying andĀ getting into things.

Now, I hear you all saying, yes Survivor game and well that's what bugs do. But we should have some piece from the creatures in the game.

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