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Pillars of Eternity 2 Crashes on Two Separate Laptops



So I am at my wits end. Haven't had this much good luck in a few years. I just purchased POE 2 yesterday and have been trying to get this game to just work. Neither computer has the citrix platform installed. All drivers updated.

  1. Clevo Laptop p870km1-g

On my first computer, the game locks up during the character creation screen. It's a weird silent lockup. The screen freezes, however you can still move the in game cursor and hear sound. To exit you have to alt tab and shut down the program via task manager. There are no error windows or logs. Actions so far: Reinstalled twice. Removed registry folder. Changed resolutions in both window and full screen mode. After several hours looking on the internet for a solution, I decided on a hail mary and installed it on ...

  1. Surface Pro 7

On the second computer, I get to the OBSIDIAN logo and immediate crash to desktop. No logs or other error windows. Actions so far: reinstalled twice, removed registry folder. Verified all drivers were the latest.

I am asking for help here in case anyone has any ideas. I am at the point where I am just going to have to refund the game. Shame. Was looking forward to a long game.



Edited by Tyrceti
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