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2 hours ago, Seccirsin said:

Since I had 0 deaths, even if he blew up, I either didn't notice or it didn't impact the fight that much. In all fairness, it's not that common. Most of the times the effects are good. One thing you could do, is have him with high Metaphysics and use Cadhu Scalth (it's reduced damage should also impact self nuking)


If they annoy me, as a person, as in, if their particular dialogues in certain scenarios get on my nerves. So far, only Xoti and Pallegina did this.
I also bench party members based on party composition and missions. Like i already mentioned, I usually pick the recommended companion and try to build a party with them and the mission in mind.
For example, when going to Magran's Teeth (fire area) i bench companions who have a lot of fire attacks and pick those that have freeze. Same thing, only in reverse, for Beast of Winter.
But, the most definitive factor is fun. Even if Mirke has almost no input dialogue outside Deadlight, for me personally, a drunk squirrel kicking and punching people is extremely funny.

Ok, good to know that about Serafen. It's much less severe than Wild Mage's random effects in BG series then. I replayed the BG series as a Wild Mage last summer and when I saw the desciption of Serafen's wild mind, I somehow equated it to WM's random effects, hahah. Towards the end it was beginning to feel more frustrating than fun and didn't want to go through that again.

And yeah, fun or 'cool' characters are, in general, more appealing to me than absolutely gamefied powerhouses that rely on spamming one OP skill or item abilities. Of course it's best if a concept character can be both fun and effective, but still.



"Let's drop the moral posturing, shall we? We both know there's no altruism in this pursuit.
Your reckless indignation led you here - I
counted on it.
There's no
shame in it, Raziel - revenge is motivation enough.
At least it's honest.
Hate me, but do it honestly." - Kain, Scion of Balance

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